Monday, September 30, 2019

Evacuee By R.S Thomas & Disabled By Wilfred Owen Essay

In this report I will be comparing and contrasting two poets from two different styles of life and cultural traditions. I will compare differences and similarities of how they deal with casualties of war. The first poet is R.S.Thomas. The poem that i have chosen is called evacuee, it is about a young girl who was born and grew up in a large city maybe London. She is evacuated to the Welsh countryside during the Second World War. She has no parents or family when she leaves and she is accepted into a farming family. She grows up and it shows that she has no plans of returning to the city. This poem is about the healing power of nature and someone who is saved from the disastrous effects of war. The second poet is Wilfred Owen. The poem is called Disabled and it is about a young man who is a football player, an athletic man, he has a girlfriend and he enjoys going out and drinking. He comes out of the pub one evening and he sees a military sign up and he is attracted to the salutes, marches, uniforms, etc. So he signs himself up. He is sent home from the war having lost his arms and his legs. He lives the rest of his life in a â€Å"Wheeled Chair†. These two poets come from very different backgrounds and in this report i will compare and contrast those backgrounds. Wilfred Edward Salter Owen was born on the 18th March 1893. He was an English poet and soldier. His poems described the shocking and realistic horrors of the trench and gas warfare. He was killed in action at the Sambre-Oise Canal a week before the war ended. Owen had four brothers and sisters and was born in Oswestry in Shropshire. When his grandfather died in 1897 the family was forced to move to lodgings in Birkenhead. He was raised as an Anglican of the evangelical school. His early influences were John Keats and the Bible. In 1915 he enlisted in the Artists Rifles. In 1917 he was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Manchester regiment. Owen was diagnosed as suffering from shell shock and sent to Craiglockhart for treatment. Whilst there he met Siegfried Sassoon another poet. Owen nearly worshiped Sassoon as a hero saying that he was not worthy to light his pipe. Ronald Stuart Thomas was born on the 29th March 1913. He was a Welsh poet and an Anglican Clergyman he was known for his nationalism and spirituality. He was born in Cardiff in Wales. The family moved to Holyhead in 1918 because of his fathers work. He was ordained a priest in the Anglican Church in Wales in 1936. He married Mildred Eldridge in 1940 and they stayed together until she died in 1991 apparently they never spoke to each other and never touched each other. They had one son named Gwydion. Thomas was a supporter of CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament). He died on the 25th September 2000 at the age of 87. The poets have many differences and not so many similarities. The differences are that Wilfred Owen seems to stay away from religion in his poems and even shows detest in the poem disabled. While R.S. Thomas was a Clergyman and was widely known for his spirituality. Owen was born in a town near Birmingham called Shropshire. Thomas was born in Cardiff in Wales. Owen was a soldier and knew first hand about the horrors of war, what it was like living in the trench, and all the dangers of it, like trench-foot or gang green. While Thomas did not know anything about war apart from what he may have read from books. In my considered opinion i think that if the two poets had met each other they would not have been best friends for they were very different to each other. Owen did not like religion or priests when Thomas was a Clergyman. The two poems, The Evacuee & Disabled, also have many differences and similarities. Disabled is in the 1st person and is more immediate while The Evacuee is in the 3rd person and is a lot slower in pace. The Evacuee has a religious feel while Disabled has an anti-religious feel. The Evacuee has the feeling of nature being personified as a healer and the city is being personified as a destroyer and killer in the case of Disabled. â€Å"He sat in a Wheeled Chair† this tells us that he has no arms because it is not a wheel chair but a wheeled chair because he can not wheel it himself, someone else has to. His life is in the hands of the nurse, he has no control over what happens in his life and he will never for the rest of his life. While the evacuee has been given a new lease of life after being sent to the welsh countryside because if she had stayed in the city she could have lived for one week or two but eventually she would have been caught by the bombings that went on every night or she would eventually get locked out during an air raid and probably shot dead where she stood. Living in a big city during the Second World War, even any war, would have been terrible. Not being able to go out after dark, having to live in complete poverty, never knowing if the next death would be you or not. When an evacuee child is moved out of the city a large amount of them go to good homes where they can live there for free and not have to work and where they would get three meals a day but some evacuees would be moved to bad families that would become slave drivers and force the children that they took in to work on their farms until they dropped down dead. This was not legal at the time but because of the situation not many questions were posted at farming towns or families. There also was a large threat of gas attacks all the time which is why every single house in London had at least two gas masks. Thomas would most likely have grown up around farming families and his family may have even took in an evacuee at one time so it is more likely that he knew more about evacuees then Owen did and vice versa that Owen would have know more about casualties of war from experience then all the knowledge that Thomas would have read. In my opinion to actually experience something like fighting in war is more knowledgeable then reading every book in the world about war. If the evacuee girl had stayed in London she would most probably have died like her family may have. The poem Disabled is about a young man who goes to war and returns with no legs and no arms. He sits at the window every day watching children playing football in the park, young couples walking along the road, and at night he hears and sees the young men and women coming out of pubs and clubs enjoying themselves. He knows he will never be able to kick a ball again, he will never put his arm around a woman again, and he will most likely never be able to drink alcohol again because of medication he may be on. His life is over before it has even truly begun and he knows it. Day in and day out he is woken up by a nurse and put into his chair and left, he is ignored all day no woman will want to talk to him again and he will not have any young recruits coming to him asking for tips about keeping their rifles clean and polished nor will he ever receive even the smallest medal. He will probably only get his name written on a memorial of all the soldiers but nothing that he can say to someone â€Å"Yes I earned that and i am proud of my choices when i was younger†. He will regret the day he signed himself up for the army for the rest of his life and it could be long. Throughout the both the poems there is a lot of figurative language used. In Disabled there is an image created in the fourth stanza where the man describes what he is attracted to in joining the army. â€Å"He thought of jeweled hilts for daggers in Plaid socks; of smart salutes; and care of arms; and leave; and pay arrears; Esprit de corps; and hints for young recruits.† He saw the jeweled hilts of the ceremonial swords that the soldiers had and he thought of himself with one and he saw the salutes to commanding officers and he liked this also. He wanted to get his hands on a gun and he thought of Esprit de corps. Esprit de corps is fighting along side soldiers, making friend, he thought joining the army would be like joining a football team or going away to camp. He had no fears of Germans. He had no real fears at all, all he knew was that he was going to wear a smart suit and be able to have a gun and he did not think about killing enemies or even being killed. This creates an image for us as you can see him staggering out of a pub and seeing some soldiers at a stand holding a pen and paper. You can see the expression on his face as he thinks about all the things he would receive from joining the army. The Evacuee is all about personification of nature; Thomas personifies nature to be a healer and a protector. He is saying that this girl who came from nothing, she was nearly dead, has been given new life by nature she has been healed. If there was pictures to go with this poem, I think that at the beginning it would show the girl very thin and sick looking and pale and near the end there would be another picture of her but it would look like a completely different person. Thomas is a strong believer in God and nature as a healer. He probably believed that this girl came from the city near death and with the power of nature with the fresh air, the grass, and the peace it helped her to grow strong and she probably became a believer herself. The poem Disabled is more superior because it shows a realistic story of the devastating effects of war and its consequences on the human body. Wilfred Owens poems are very graphical and detailed he does not believe in an easy way to describe war. He just goes straight in and says exactly what it is like. Whereas R.S.Thomas is a religious person so he probably does not like anything to do with war and he probably believes that anyone can be saved no matter how bad their wounds are, mentally or physically, through prayer to God. In my opinion the disabled man could not be healed. He could move to the countryside and he might be happier but it is not going to make his legs grow back. The poem The Evacuee is more superior because it shows how anyone can be healed by nature and how anyone can be saved from war. Thomas believes in nature and its powers, he believes that the evacuee girl is just an example of a casualty of war that has been saved. He has shown in his poem that nature and God combined together are unbeatable in the way that they can heal mental problems and maybe not physical ones like the disabled man but they could be made happier because living in a hospital for the rest of his life it would not be healthy for him. However if he had been given the chance to live in the countryside he could see nature for what it is. In my opinion both poems are equally superior in the way that they both describe casualties of war and both in their own way put in all the needed detail.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Bullying and Violence in the Workplace

The problem, the results, and possible prevention strategies ill be presented based on an invited paper by Bowen, Private, and Bowie (201 1), â€Å"Reducing workplace violence by creating healthy workplace environments) and a peer-reviewed Journal article, â€Å"Effectiveness of Bullying and Violence Prevention Programs† (Stag, S. , Sheridan, D. , 2010). Bullying and workplace violence can be controlled if management takes appropriate steps toward early recognition, education, and preventive practices.Identifying the potential for violent behavior often concentrates on plotting the â€Å"bad apple†, the employee constantly contradicting authority, complaining, verbally busing others, gossiping. Or alienating staff. According to Bowen (2006) It may be a reaction to bad or unhealthy environment referred to as the â€Å"bad barrel†. The policies, procedures, and practices of an organization have recently come under scrutiny as a possible cause of workplace violence . If the atmosphere for nurses, other staff members, and even patients is oppressed, violent, or unsafe, then those affected may resort to violent behavior as a response mechanism.Management must be wiling to look at the tone and practices of the organization and evaluate staff perceptions. If the staff sees the organization in a negative light immediate steps must be taken to correct course and alter perception. Employee productivity and retention are tied closely to the staffs feelings toward the values and practices of the institute. Pride, esteem, excellence In service, caring, open-mindedness, team-spoilt, recognition of accomplishments, fairness In decisions, and constant development and improvements all solidify an employee's loyalty and desire to produce excellence in all workplace activities.Bullying and potential violence can come in many forms both covert and overt. Some red flags would include an employee who has a noticeable change in behavior, verbalized threats, intim idation, harassment, and repeated confrontational behaviors. These individuals must be counseled since these changes may be signs of personal or social turmoil in the individual's private life that is affecting workplace attitudes. If counseling, warnings, diffusing violence / anger management classes are not effective, the individual may face termination for the health and safety of him or herself as well as others (Libber, 2011).Many classifications of types of bullying have been used over the last 10 or more ears, One example Is the taxonomy developed by Earner and Hole (1997) which covers most of the commonly listed categories: I) threat to professional status, ii) (Discover, Mac Carjack, & Kashmir, 2005, p 441). Lynn Libber in the Winter 2011 issue of Employment Relations Today offers four simple but concrete guidelines to address and curtail workplace bullying and violence that can be readily implemented by management.The list includes thorough background checks for all perspe ctive employees watching for signs of previous violent behavior and discipline problems. Create a workplace â€Å"Violence Protection† logic. Communicate the policy to all employees and be sure to explain the forms of bullying and harassment (including internet / cyber bullying), the consequences of unacceptable behavior, and disciplinary steps leading to possible termination for repeat offenders.Train all new hires immediately during orientation and all other employees annually about ways to prevent (primary prevention), De-escalate (secondary prevention), and personally respond (tertiary prevention) to workplace violence and bullying (Bowen, Private, & Bowie, 2011, p. 188). This would include arioso positive and negative reactions to bullying such as confronting the attacker or reporting to superior versus avoidance or quitting Job (Discover, Mac Carjack, & castrate, 2005, p. 451).Once the implications and functions of violence in the workplace are fully understood by organ izational managers, then an effective policy ad methodology can be created which will effectively address this spiraling problem, provide a safe environment for all, and raise the level of care within the institute. An introspective analysis of the current work climate ad changes that can be implemented to improve am spirit and loyalty will pave the way for better employee relationships, a stable, secure, and focused workforce.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Partition of India 1947

In 1600, the British East India Company was established, and in 1858, The India Act allowed for power to be transferred to the British government. The British Government never had complete control, but it certainly had power. The Partition of India happened on August 14th, 1947 and August 15th, 1947. When the British left India on August 15th, 1947 (after the formation of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan), they left the country divided. This led to the formation of Pakistan and India, and later, in 1971, Bangladesh declared its independence from Pakistan. Motivation When the British had occupied India, they categorized the people of India by religion, and treated them as separate groups. A Hindu revival happened around the time of the Partition. They still had bitterness towards Muslims (who had been the predominant rulers of India before the British). They tried to band the slaughter of cows, change the national language to Hindi, and change the Devanagri script to Hindi. Although the Sikhs (who originated in Punjab) were a minority in the population of India, they were conflicted with the Muslims, and were forced to leave Punjab and migrate to Hindu India. (They were not conflicted with Hindus). The All India Muslim League (AIML) started in 1906 with the goal to make Muslims equal in rights to Hindus. At the time, the Indian National Congress was made mostly of Hindus. In 1940, Jinnah (a leader equal to Ghandi, except that he represented Muslims, and Ghandi represented Hindus) stated at the Lahore Conference that promoted a Muslim nation separate from the rest of India. In 1943, the AIML called for Britain to Divide and Quit. Hindus also acknowledged the difference in beliefs that separated them from Muslims. Between 1940 and 1942, Congress began plans to remove the British (the National Congress was calling for Britain to Quit India). Due to the conflicting ideas on the separate sides, the country came close to a civil war many times. Some of the events that started the partition of India are: the Revocation of Partition of Bengal (created anti-British and anti-Hindu feelings), The Lucknow Pact denial, Mantagu-Chelmsford Reforms, Ghandi’s Stayagraha, Congress called for full independence from Britain in 1929, Round table Conferences (dominion status for India, congress doesn’t attend), and Government of India Act 1935 (allows British control over foreign policy and defense, but gives India political provinces and elected local gov. ). Before†¦ During the 16th century, nations looking to extend their power: Portugal, the Netherlands, Denmark, France, and Great Britain, established trading posts in India. When Britain took over power in India there were internal struggles that allowed themselves to gain power in India. After the 12th century, the Mughal Empire came into power. They formed alliances with Rajput Empires, which were considered a threat to the Mughals even after they became allies. The Ahoms of Assam resisted the Mughal Empire. Aurangzeb king of the Mughals enforced Muslim doctrines. The Rajputs and Ahoms rebelled against his reign, and the strict beliefs he imposed on them. By the 1700s, the Sikh Empire (Ahoms of Assam) and the Hindu Marathas were a serious threat to the Mughals. By the mid 18th century, the Mughal Empire had declined, and the Marathas owned a great portion of their land. It was right around then that foreign nations started to come in and set up trade and colonies. A year after (in 1857) the British installed their power in India; there were insurrections from the people of India. They were put under direct rule from the British crown as a result. Between 1860 and 1900, there were the worst famines India had ever experienced, and caused 14. 5 million people to die. In 1939, India went to war with Germany (WWII). However, Indian nationalists wish to overthrow the British rule in India, and joined forces with the Axis powers. Needless to say, they didn’t win the war. In 1943, there was mass food hoarding due to poor food distribution and high prices of food, which caused a famine. Effects There were 500,000 deaths as a result of the fight for independence, and the migration of Hindus to India, Sikhs to India, and the Muslims to Pakistan. Kashmir was a part of the territory that is still disputed to this day (between the countries India and Pakistan, and at some places, China). The Kashmir conflict resulted in the Indo-Pakistani Wars of 1947, 1965, and 1999. The First Indo-Pakistani War of 1947 began in October 1947 when the Maharajah of the princely state of Kashmir and Jammu was pressured to decide to join either Pakistan or India. Britain became involved and it passed Resolution 47 that instituted the line of control in December 1948. Pakistan got northern and western areas of Kashmir, and India got southern, central and northeastern areas. The Second Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 began in 1965 when Pakistan launched Operation Gibraltar; a plan which allowed for troops to infiltrate Jammu and Kashmir and overthrow Indian rule there. India responded, and war ensued for 5 weeks. It was ended with the British assisted Tashkent Declaration. The Third Indo-Pakistani War of 1999 began with Pakistan occupying the Kargil district that was lawfully Indian land. The Pakistani retreated with Indian military threat looming and foreign diplomatic pressure. Today, India controls 43% of Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan 37%, and China 20%. Many Sikhs and Hindu Punjabis settled in the Indian parts of Punjab and Delhi. Most of the Hindus ended up in Eastern and Northeastern India, and some were sent to the Andaman Islands, causing them to become more populated. The Sindhi people’s cultures were very much disturbed. When they migrated to India, the government had to build refugee camps for the masses that were pouring in. It strained the economy, and caused disorder. They lost much of their heritage and history in the confusion that the migration had caused. Pakistan became a bit less populated. Its population had decreased by approx. 23,000 (because more people had left than Muslims had come).

Friday, September 27, 2019

Service Matrix Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Service Matrix - Coursework Example Product process matrix is an analytical tool that attempts to show the relationship between the technological life cycle of a product and its standard life cycle. The matrix is useful in the organization in pinpointing the production approach to be used when producing a particular product based on the customization requirements of the product and the amounts of product to be used. The similarity between the product process matrix and the service-positioning matrix is that the management with the intention of helping them make sound decisions that affect the business uses them both (Bukula, & Snaddon 18). The difference between the two matrixes is that while service positioning matrix aims at attracting the customers to the firm, the product process matrix is used to help reduce costs of production and storage. Doctors mainly use service-positioning matrix. The doctors understand how their patients like to be treated and can use the matrix to achieve better results. The benefit is that the services rendered are at a personalized level and this is good for the profession. The limitation of the matrix in the hospitality industry is that it can lead to increase in resources since the doctors’ use most of their time and resources, as well. Product process matrix is mainly used in the manufacturing industries. Businesses need to know how much to produce efficiently. The benefit is that it cuts costs. The major limitation is that it may lead the business to make losses in the worst-case scenario (Bukula, & Snaddon 23). The uniqueness of the service matrix is that it deals with customers. On the other hand, the uniqueness of the product-process matrix is that it deals with the production process of the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Response paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Response paper - Assignment Example However, the main cause of the decline of the empire can be attributed to what experts call Hypertrophy. The empire was busy crushing potential rivals. In the end, the empire had no money to finance wars or pay armies. Eventually, the empire could not protect itself from external attacks. Couple this with the fact that the cities produced nothing; all production was left for rural people. In fact the government was providing financial incentives and entertainment for urban dwellers to quell instances of revolts. Therefore, the urbanites ate free bread from government and spent all their time watching games and plays; without paying taxes. After the collapse of the Roman Empire under barbaric tribes from Germany, the church became heavily dependent on the barbarians. As Europe was under the barbaric rule, King Charles or Charlemagne became the executive rule of the new empire. Under his leadership and of Pope Gregory, many barbarians were converted to Christianity. Ironically, the church became more barbaric and as the culture deteriorated, so were the morals of the clergy. Bishops had slaves and concubines and practiced perverted sexual fantasies. They also wore swords and mils, which they used to dispose the poor of their wives and possessions. They were licentious and drunkards who preached the exact opposite of their actions. During Gregory‘s papal reign, violence, torture and corruption was the order of the day. The only reprieve for people were the saints who selflessly came to their aid. The saints had supernatural powers and could heal the sick. Many people therefore ran to them. Saints were subsequently persecuted with the exception of few powerful saints like Saint Martin who were feared by the emperor. While there was extreme corruption both physically and spiritually, the dark ages also marked a time of prosperity especially in northern Europe. Better means of farming had been

The Role of Baptism in the Book of Acts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

The Role of Baptism in the Book of Acts - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that Pentecostals and many charismatics employ Lukan biblical theology as the correct methodology for understanding Spirit-baptism. According to their exegetical findings, the Day of Pentecost was an empowering event that is theologically separate from and subsequent to conversion. Moreover, "pattern of Pentecost" exists for subsequent events in Acts as well as for all believers throughout the church age. However, some consider the exegetical abilities of Pentecostals as one of their greatest weaknesses. In an attempt to investigate the role of baptism in the book of Acts, this paper will explore the prospect of Acts 2:37-39 serving as a paradigm for understanding Luke's account of Spirit-baptism. This text has several features that make it worthy of consideration. First, this text has a close proximity to the events of Pentecost, for it is situated at the conclusion of Peter's sermon. Second, the response given to those who inquired comes fr om a leading apostle who had just been "filled with the Holy Spirit". Third, it is the only didactic passage in Acts that contains the element of repentance, water baptism, and the gift of the Spirit. These three features are also found in subsequent corporate texts of Act. Thus, in the narrative of a text of Acts, in which the corporate passages that record Spirit-baptism are non-normative, including the sequence of repentance, water baptism, and the giving of the Spirit, Acts 2:37-39 appears to be the most normative text available. "Though the Pentecostal movement began in humble obscurity,.. it has grown to become a major force within Christendom." Pentecostalism is not only recognized as the most powerful revival movement of the twentieth century, in the estimation of some, it has surpassed the classification of "a mere passing movement" and can legitimately be called a major Christian tradition, second in size only to the Roman Catholic Church. Statistics reveal that "Pentecost alism is therefore fast becoming the dominant expression of Christianity and one of the most extraordinary religious phenomena in the world of any time." Pentecostals credit this phenomenal growth to their understanding of Spirit-baptism which, along with signs and wonders, is their spiritual heartbeat. The Pentecostal movement eventually led to the beginning of the new-Pentecostal movement, which is commonly referred to as the charismatic movement or charismatic renewal. Though the charismatic movement is comprised of both mainland Protestants and Roman Catholics, the beginning of these parts of the movement is separated by about seven years. It resembles Pentecostalism in that dual emphases on the baptism in the Spirit and the miraculous lie at the heart of the movement. However, the charismatic movement differs from Pentecostalism, not only in its understanding of Spirit-baptism but also in that several competing interpretations of this doctrine are simultaneously held within the movement.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Offshore Wind Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Offshore Wind - Essay Example The article also notes from experience that the installation of offshore wind stations has not been received that well and is witnessing a low takeoff. Nevertheless, the installation has seen remarkable improvements over the last few years with at least 3.5 GW of offshore winds being in line, over 2GW is already in development, and more than 100GW currently at different development stages. Nevertheless, most constructions are concentrated in North Europe especially in the UK, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, and Belgium.The article also shows that projects of offshore winds have increased in scale over the last decade, and the trend continues. The increase is mainly projected to be witnessed in UK, which will see hundreds of high voltage wind turbines being constructed. This will require numerous highly specialized installation vessels as well as port facilities to manage the increasing dimension of wind turbines, balance of plants and support structures. Wright notes that the major challen ge pertains to financial requirements as the UK round 3 Zones are projected to require over â‚ ¬90 billion, which would necessitate new financing models and the support of the public at all levels. Nevertheless, private investors have aired their worries regarding the high risk associated with construction, financial incentives, long-term stability, and issues related to turbine reliability.The article also reveals that the supply chain progress has been inspired in the recent past with increasing separation between onshore and offshore wind sectors.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Economy and Socal Life in Kenya Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Economy and Socal Life in Kenya - Assignment Example Kenya has made progress towards enhancing effectiveness in the political system with the implementation of a new constitution. Kenya has a population of 44 million with most people living in the rural areas. The capital city is Nairobi. It is also the hub for many government services. The other major towns and cities in Kenya are Nakuru, Mombasa, and Kisumu. Kenya is bordered by countries like Uganda, South Sudan, Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Somalia. The two main languages in Kenya are Swahili and English. It provides information on the people, infrastructure, education, security, and transport. Kenya is made of 42 tribes that are spread out in different parts of the country. The notable ethnic groups in Kenya are Kikuyu, Luo, Luhya Kalenjin, Kamba, Kisii, and Meru. The chart shows ethnic group distribution according to the data presented by the CIA World Factbook. The major religions in Kenya are Christianity and Islam. Majority of Kenyans fall between 25 and 54 years. The majority of Kenyans are young. The country struggles with high infant mortality rates, HIV/AIDS, famine, and floods. According to the CIA World Factbook, Kenya ranks 31 when compared to other nations in the world. It is clear from the graph that Kenya has many non-Africans who are citizens and foreigners. The country has expatriates who work with large business corporations or non-governmental organizations that deal with environmental issues, aid, and relief and activities. Most of the expatriates live in highly secured estates. The estates have secured houses with compounds to limit movement in and out. The diverse nature of the Kenyan population makes it easy for foreigners to fit in. The culture can be termed as friendly with most people believing in the concept of African hospitality. Kenyans find it easy to help foreigners.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Financial management assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Financial management assignment - Essay Example the companies favor financial restructuring as the company can still be in the business and can avoid the legal problems associated with bankruptcy proceedings. The goal of a debt restructuring is to lower the interest payments and extend the terms of the loan in order to get through a bad patch and not to write off a companys debt.   Companies considering the debt restructuring must first prove that their current market downturn is a temporary phenomenon and will ultimately past and the company will be able to resume profitability.   Thus companies have to convince their stakeholders like creditors, bankers, and distributors that the company will be able to improve the financial condition with the new finance arrangements within a specified period of time. It is important that all the stakeholders actively participate in the preparation of the Financial Restructuring Plan. In some cases even after the Financial Restructuring plan is implemented the company would end up in bankruptcy due to dissatisfaction among certain group of stakeholders or due to bad execution of the Plan. Bankruptcy should be the last option for the companies as only about 15 to 20% of the companies are able to come out of bankruptcy and the cost of bankruptcy is pretty high. It is evident from the current Case study that the company is Over leveraged, that is the debt:equity ratio is very high. Financial restructuring would also be taken up by the companies which are Under leveraged. These companies raise debt to buy back shares. Financial restructuring can also be taken up when the company’s financial position is effected due to Sluggish sales or seasonal sales problems. Often company would raise debt to fund expansion projects but the expansion projects do not give the expected returns resulting in the defaulting of interest payments by the company. Financial restructuring helps the company improve its credit score, which would be useful if the company intends to borrow in future.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Shirley Temple Essay Example for Free

Shirley Temple Essay Sweetheart In the 1930s, the United States suffered immense economic turmoil known as the Great Depression. Americans were full of hopelessness and sorrow and no longer were able to go to the movies because there was no money for it. Therefore, it was no surprise that when a bright and young new face came onto theater screens, people latched onto it with extreme fascination; some near obsession. This rising starlet, who could put a smile on even the saddest face, was Shirley Temple. In 1935, at just three and a half years of age, Shirley instantly became the number one box office sensation and held onto the title for four straight years; yet she remained successful way beyond those years. Men, women, and children adored her loving personality and innocence; she was a breath of fresh air in a time of hardships and struggles. During the Great Depression, less people went to the theaters because they could no longer afford the extra expense. In response, desperate movie makers produced films with more sex and violence to lure the audience and money back in. This posed as a great problem in society, mainly with women and children, because no mother would want to subject her child to such filth. Therefore, when Shirley Temple movies premiered in the early 1930s, women were excited about going to the theaters again. Shirley provided pure and classy entertainment that mothers would not hesitate to take their children to. Although the films that Shirley starred in were by no means spectacular, she managed to rise above the script and give the audience what they needed and craved in such a time of despair. People were so enthralled by this little girl with such big talent, spirit, and liveliness that they did not care how â€Å"mediocre†¦[the] movie might be, the people flocked to see her† regardless (Fuller-Seeley, 49). She provided her audience with laughter in a gloomy time, pure love in a lonely world, and innocence in a place of filth and greed. And for that one to two hours that her glowing face would shine on the screen and little voice would talk and sing, people were given an escape from their day to day stresses and worries and they became encapsulated by this tiny girl. She gave America what it had long been in need of and they were not about to give it up, no matter the ticket cost. Shirley Temple wooed America with her cheerful singing and dancing and made women, children, and men all over the world fall in love with her. They desired to be her, to know her, and to share in her love and joy. Women’s fascination stemmed from their maternal nature. To them, Shirley was a child whom they longed to love, care for, and protect. Since they obviously could not attain this satisfaction, mothers would try to mold their daughters into their own little Shirley Temple; only they could never get fifty six perfect curls. Children’s fascination with her, however, was more of a desire to be her and share in her experiences. They watched in amazement as Shirley explored life in the adult world, which instilled in them a longing for adventure and ambitious goals. Children, mainly girls, not only adored Shirley, but identified with her. â€Å"Rather than just seeing her as a spectacle on the screen†¦Ã¢â‚¬  they imagined themselves in her roles and became one with her character (51). Men on the other hand, were mesmerized with Shirley in a slightly different way. Many only saw her from a paternal view and, like women, desired to have her as their own daughter. Others however, had a more pedophilic enthrallment with Shirley. Men in this time were sad and lonely, so when a young new face shined before them, they were naturally drawn to it. What was unnatural about this, however, was that they became so drawn to Shirley that some began to obsess and fantasize over this prepubescent little girl. While some kept their shameful fantasies more private, others were less discrete about it. For example, in a London magazine titled Night and Day, the author writes that â€Å"’middle aged men and clergymen’ lusted after her shapely body and†¦her appeal [was] more secret and adult† (57). This idea that older men lusted after a five year old girl was sickening to all. However, while Shirley is not to be blamed, many movies she starred in had her sitting in men’s laps constantly. So much so, that people began to suspect that these films suggested incestual relationships with male family members, including fathers. Other films were suspected of being filled with hidden sexual references. This was not a far off suspicion with movies such as War Babies (1932) where Shirley plays the role of a miniature prostitute.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Migration From The Countryside To Cities Environmental Sciences Essay

Migration From The Countryside To Cities Environmental Sciences Essay The desire to increase income encourages people who live in rural areas to leave their lands and homes. This movement is called Urbanisation which means the migration from countryside to cities in particular in developing and poor countries. This terminology or buzzword emerges in Latin conference. It may be defined in different ways. MEDCs (more economics developed countries) and LEDCs (less economics developed countries), for example, have examined it in different ways. LEDCs have defined it as the encouragement of people who reside in rural areas to migrate to cities whereas MEDCs has defended it as a process of dysfunctional movement of people from country sides to large cities. In other words, urbanisation means disappearance of many aspects of life in areas which surround cities such as agriculture, as a consequence of the migration to large towns and cities. It may also be defined as Elliot (1999) says the movement of people from communities concerned chiefly or solely with ag riculture to other communities generally larger whose activities are primarily centered in government, trade, manufacture or allied interests(Elliot. J.A. 1999). The negative influences of this phenomenon have exceeded the positive effects. Therefore, most countries, in particular developed ones, have been attempting to reduce the population inside cities and towns. This step is responsible for maintaining sustainability for those countries particularly in the field of development. Sustainable development is known as the ability of an activity or development to continue in the long term without undermining that part of the environment which sustains it (SNH, 1993). In addition, it may be defined as the searching for high quality of living without affecting the environment (English Nature, 1993). However, there is a contradiction between urbanisation and sustainable development, because urbanisation has tremendous problematic effects on environment whereas sustainable development seeks to create healthy cities and towns. Urbanisation in all countries has many negative effects therefore there are a considerable number of policies have been suggested to deter these problems. This project will present two problems of urbanisation, lack of space and increasing private cars owners then will highlight some causes of it and finally will suggest three solutions in order to solve these problems of urbanisation. 1. LACK OF SPACE 1.1 CAUSES The prime reason behind peoples movement from rural areas to urban ones is that they seek higher living standards because they believe cities are more desirable than where they live. However, moving to cities without planning will cause many problems for both settlers and governments. Some troubles that may face squatters as a result of sudden and unplanned moving to cities are lack of basic living standards and pollution. 1.2 EFFECTS Because most migrants who desire to improve their income by moving to industrialised areas are poor and they cannot afford renting flats or buying houses, they will accept living anywhere even in ill developed places. As a result of this, settlers always reside in the edge of cities and it is known as shanty town. These settlements are always built in illegal ways therefore they lack of the basic elements of services such as water, sewerage system and health care (Bilham-Boult et al, 1999). In advanced countries or even in developing countries, governments usually attempt to build cities in modern ways by establishing great infrastructures. These infrastructures are built to present good facilities for people such as road networks, transportation and sewerage systems. Also one of these facilities is to connect houses with main sources of water by constructing pipes of water. However, as discussed earlier, most settlements are built randomly, thus they have access to these important facilities. Hence, squatters are required to pay for water carts and this will cost them a considerable amount of money and sometimes paying for water will be unaffordable for them because most settlers are poor. In Accra, for example, only 35 per cent of houses have been connected to water sources and 24 per cent use basic pipes whereas 28 per cent of citizens buy water from water vending carts (Bilham-Boult et al, 1999). Lack of pipes of water means lack of sewerage system, according to Bilham (1999) the pollution in shanty towns in particular the pollution in water has increased rapidly because some cities have no sewerage system therefore sewage is still drained directly to rivers and to main sources of water. Moreover, settlers build pits dug to gather the sewage into it, further, these pits dug may construct among the cities which responsible for bringing a huge numbers of bacteria and diseases for people who reside near it. 1.3 SOLUTIONS After discussing the main problems which may face squatters in shanty towns, the following paragraphs will point out some problems that may encounter governments due to urbanisation. Unplanned moving from country sides to cities causes many problems for governments because that requires construct new infrastructures or even builds new territories for new comers and this will be very costly. Furthermore, the demands to create jobs for squatters will take place because most squatters sale their farms and lands to help them shift from rural areas to urban ones. Another problem is that the necessity of establishing social services such as health care, education and transportation will rise as well. However, many solutions have been suggested to solve the problems of urbanisation. One of these solutions is that governments should encourage their farmers who live in rural areas to stay there by making all facilities which exist in cities available in countryside such as schools, health care centers and transportation. In addition, by making this step that will be very helpful to solve the problem of unemployment because that will increase the opportunities of migrants who desire to move to urban areas to find a job in their areas instead in urban areas. 2. TRANSPORTATION Another problem that may be increased due to urbanisation is the increasing of private cars owners. Therefore, the following paragraphs will examine the causes and effects of rising vehicle use. 2.1 CAUSES The most considerable cause of depending on private automobiles is the price because most cars companies have reduced the prices of the cars by making it very affordable. Hence, most people prefer buying cars rather than using public transportation because they believe using public transportation wastes time and money. Wasting time is due to the commuters are must walk from their homes and work to the nearest station and vice versa and they also spend a considerable amount of money because they must buy tickets for all travels even for small journeys. This was not only the reason of increasing the number of private automobiles, but the reasonable price of fuels also encourages people to purchase cars. Moreover, the price of fuels compare with the tickets prices of journeys seems to be much more affordable for people in particular for large families. However, the most significant reason beyond the reliance on cars is the shortage of public transportation. In many cities the rail networks and high ways do not cover all areas which surround cities. Therefore, most people are required to purchase cars particularly people who work away from the urban areas or people who live in rural areas and work in cities. In addition, some cities were built since 19th or early 20th century, thus they lack planning and good organisation which means they lack infrastructures. Because of this, it is very difficult for governments to rebuild and reorganise cities because that will cost the governments a huge amount of money. 2.2 EFFECTS As a result of increasing the number of private cars, many effects will emerge such as congestion, energy consumption, air pollution, noise, health and a significant number of accidents. However, the most important effect is air pollution because it is a consequence of congestion and energy consumption. Air pollution not only effects the environment of cities but it will also harm the health of people because it carries many emissions such as carbon dioxide. 2.3 SOLUTIONS Many solutions have been suggested to solve the problems of urbanisation. One of these solutions is to connect all areas which include the city itself and all areas surrounded it by one system. It may cost governments an enormous amount of money, but by taking this step public transportation will be more desirable than private vehicle. It will save time and money for commuters who move from place to place frequently. Moreover, issuing uniform tickets of buses and railway with affordable and reasonable prices will be a most grateful solution in particular for large families. This step will ease transferring between public transportation by establishing short distances of travelling. Finally, if governments want to reduce the number of cars they should raise taxes, parking fees and the price of fuels. This stage will encourage people to use public transportation. This encouragement also needs to create informative programmes to raise the awareness of people particularly in the harm of using private cars such as the pollution and the rapid increasing of accident rates. CONCLUSION The former paragraphs have stated the negative impacts of urbanisation in particular the problems of lack of space and the increase of private cars owners. A number of policies have been discussed by some governments which may be mainly helpful to solve the problematic negative influences of urbanisation. As discussed earlier, urbanisation has a great deal of harmful impacts, they could be exceeded its benefits. One of these negative effects is that most settlements are built randomly therefore they lack basic living standards as well as basic elements of services. One of these services is to connect those settlements by main sources of water. Therefore, when these shanty towns lack pipes of water that will lead to another problem which is lack of sewerage system. As a result of lack of sewerage system, sewage is drained directly to rivers and main sources of water which is responsible for bringing a huge number of bacteria and disease for squatters who live in those towns. Furthermore, these settlements are lacking to transportation because they were built in illegal ways which make governments unable to construct infrastructures in these shanty towns. In other words, if governments want to destroy these towns and rebuild it in modern ways that would cost them an enormous amount of money. This step may be unaffordable for some governments in particular for developing countries. This issue has led to another consequence, the lack of infrastructures encourages settlers use their own cars which lead to traffic congestion, air pollution then healthy problems for people who reside in shanty towns and surrounded areas. Moreover, the reasonable prices of cars and fuels encourage people to purchase private automobiles because they have already an illustration which says having a car will save time and money, but sometimes this illustration may be wrong. Hence, many countries attempt to reduce cars uses by encouraging people to use public transportation as the best way to solve the problem of air pollution and traffic congestion. To reduce cars uses, some solutions have been suggested; one of them is to connect all areas by one system of public transportation. This step may be very costly for some governments, but it will reduce the uses of private vehicles. Moreover, issuing a uniform ticket for buses and railways will make public transportation more desirable than using private cars. On the other hand, some solutions have been suggested to solve the problems of urbanisation in general. One of these solutions is to encourage people to stay in rural areas by establishing all the desirable facilities which exist in large cities such as schools, hospitals and public transportation in countryside. Also governments must produce informative programmes for those squatters who want to migrate from rural areas to megacities. For those people who want to continue searching in this area, this project recommends them to search how governments can set up informative programmes effectively to persuade migrants to stay in rural areas. BIBIOLGRAPHY Adams, W.M. (1999). Sustainability. In P. Cloke, P. Crang M. Goodwin (Eds.), Introducing human geographies (pp. 125-130). London: Arnold. Bilham-Boult, Blades, H., Hancock, J., Keeling, W. Ridout, M. (1999). People, places and themes (pp. 202-205; P. 208). Oxford: Heinemann. Elliot, J.A (1999). An introduction to sustainable development. London: Routledge. Newman, P. (1999). Transport: reducing automobile dependence. In D. Satterthwaite (Ed.), The Earthscan reader in sustainable cities (pp. 67-92). London: Earthscan Publications. UK Government. (2004). Sustainable development; the UK governments veiw. Retrieved October 10, 2004, from government website:

Friday, September 20, 2019

All About Motorcycle

All About Motorcycle Motorcycle is a vehicle which only two people take a ride motorcycle, motorcycle have many parts, like body, chassis, engine, tire ,exhaust ,tank and many more, but motorcycle have equipment if you want to ride motorcycle like helmet, shoes ,jacket. All of parts from motorcycle must integrate each of them to work. Motor cycle was build in first time Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach in Stuttgart in 1885Â  [1]Â  .Firstly in 1885 motorcycle its like bicycle adhere the engine, and then they always innovation their prototype. And than after Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach many company popped out like Indian in united states of America ,were Indian motor company start manufacturing in 1901 and ended their production in 1953 because they have bankrupt, Indian motor have many influence to development motorcycle in the world, in world war II some model from Indian motor was used in United state army, along with time motor cycle have big innovation , now motorcycle have man value in our live, not only for vehicle who bring people or things from one place to another place, motorcycle now can be industry for make money, like motorcycle race ,many kinds of motorcycle race is building on type of motorcycle, like trail, super sport , or touring and etc, but some of motorcycle type not be in race, like city bike (except in south east asia) and scooter. First we look to the main part in motorcycle is engine. An engine is a machine that produces mechanical force and motion from another form of energy (e.g. a fuel source, compressed air, or electricity)Â  [2]Â  .in engine many part in side like piston in cylinder, valve, chain, spark, and little parts. Number of cylinder is make different power and torque, 1 cylinder and 2,3,4,5, or 6 cylinder is different in power and torque, in cylinder piston is protected by oil which oil protect from over rubbing in piston ,and the small part is sparkplug ,sparkplug have function to burn gasoline before piston doing piston work. And many gears for support the power must go. Engine have two type four stroke and two stroke, four stoke is like perfecting form from two stroke, but two stroke have plus value like simple mechanically and easy to cold start, but two stork produce to much smoke whereas four stroke produce less of smoke, but four stroke engine is more complicated and the four stroke engi ne is better than two stroke for long distance. And in some year ago born valve control to control speed in low, medium, high. Air cooler or liquid cooler are used too in motorcycle to stabilized power in long time used to control temperature in engine which power of engine can less after use in long time, because of than modern motorcycle have air cooler or liquid cooler. And oil is important part too, oil gives protection from rubbing in piston, you must choose the oil base on your motorcycle specification, because many type of oil, natural and synthetic oil base on ingredients. In oil case is must be written the oil indicator like 20-50, 15- 40, Which means a cold oil flows like a 20 grade but at high temperature it flows like a thicker 50 grade. But now natural oil not be used for now, because synthetic oil better than natural oil, every type motorcycle have different specification, like super sport motorcycle must use more great oil like 5-30 or 10-40 because super sport motorc ycle have most power which piston work hard than another motorcycle so piston in super sport motorcycle must have more protection. And for 2stroke and 4stroke have different oil too. You must change oil periodic because oil has periodic life used, if you not change oil your bike would have not good performance, if your oil not good again, oil have mark if oil not good again color of oil is black. After we look engine, we go to another important thing is its chassis of motorcycle. Chassis is like frame. Motorcycle chassis usually made from iron and mixture from aluminum. But many company produce chassis innovation to find new material to be chassis, and than they combine with carbon fiber and titanium, which that make expensive than old material. Chassis in motorcycle like bone for human, if chassis do not have good strength maybe chassis can break and can cause accident. Chassis have many different types depending on motorcycle type, like chassis for trail bike, super sport bike, and city bike is different like trail bike have chassis with high ground clear, and super sport bike have lower ground clear and longer than trail bike, and for city bike have not more special specification just for conventional motorcycle to push the price, because city bike is use to daily activity. But in some case chassis can be bent because some crash and if you do not repair it motorcycle canno t be ridden well, because chassis is like the main structure. Suspension in the motorcycle is important to because if no suspension in your motorcycle you like ride the horse, suspension like reduce shock in bumpy road, if your motorcycle do not have suspension system they can break the motorcycle chassis. Suspension can make rider have comfort while rider ride the motorcycle like in bumpy road, or in braking condition. Suspensions have some part, like spring, oil or air inside spring, part that connect the chassis part to tire part. Spring is the main part in suspension and then oil or air in inside of spring is in tube that can reduce shock. This part make you must maintained well, if you do not maintained well maybe your suspension can broke like oil in tube broken out and the suspension cannot reduce shock well so you must change the new suspension to get great comfort in your motorcycle. Brake system, to be certain each of motorcycle must have brake system to stop or reduce their speed, if your motorcycles do not have great brake system maybe you have big trouble because it is like you can control your speed. Break system in before 80s era it is brake drum, it is drum with connected to lever, lever have function to push down drum to clipped brake canvas and clipped the part in rim of wheel, drum brake have advantage and disadvantage. Advantage it is cheaper and simpler if you use the drum disk, but drum brake not have good performance in braking. But for these modern eras have new innovation it is disc brake. Iron like disc with piston to clipped disc to reduce or stopping your motorcycle speed. These systems have very helped the automotive world because this system can be optimal in braking and long life use than drum brake. There is disc brake also made in ceramic composite because normal disc brake made from iron steel is have disadvantage not have great performan ce in high temperature so people innovation again and find disk brake made from ceramic composite because ceramic composite material having very high temperature tolerance, so many racing motorcycle use the ceramic composite disk brake. But disk brake must get more attention because if this disk brakes canvas is used up you must change is fast as you can because if you do not change in right time the piston can break disk because no canvas protect disk again. Next part is rim, this part must be partner with tire, because rim cannot have function if no tire and then tire cannot have function if no rim, rim like circle that give main bone for tire, rim made from metal which metal have great strength. Rim have some type depend on type of motorcycle, rim have two characteristic like diameter, and width, like trail motorcycle have bigger diameter than city bike or scooter because trail motorcycle have more high ground clear than scooter or city bike, and touring motorcycle have more width than trail motorcycle because touring motorcycle have design to have long trip, than to make driver comfort must have more width rim, and trail motor do not want comfort but want high ground clear, so rim for touring motorcycle mare width than trail motor. Rim need to be aligned properly, if you not alignment rim bike handling definitely not well, your bike difficult to ride straight. Exhaust, exhaust has function to throw air output from engine, exhaust like pipe made from steel. Exhaust plugs in engine and goes to rear side of motorcycle. Exhaust has 3 part header, pipe, and silencer. Header part plug to engine, and continue to pipe, and finally to silencer and then go to air. Exhaust is influence motorcycle performance, because exhaust can help to increase motorcycle engine, size header, pipe, and silencer. Every motorcycle have different exhaust like motor trail have little than touring or super sport motorcycle and another type motorcycle. In this era exhaust have more innovation like silencer in motorcycle tail, like trail motorcycle. Exhaust is very hot, exhaust can burn you, so exhaust company install the protector, to can save the motorcycle rider. Now exhaust not only made from iron or steel, now made from aluminum, carbon, titanium, the new material make exhaust performance increase because new material can be better than old material in very hot condit ion. Now many company release many model of exhaust, like megaphone, square, triangle and many more in silencer. Transmission and chain, transmission and chain it is like connector from engine to rim and tire, in transmission have some part like belt, chain, and rubber. Transmission has function basically to move the rim and tire. Drive shafts it is like additional part, because is expensive than another part, drive shaft have function to make smooth change transmission, drive belt have more long life for use, but if you ride your bike more than motorcycle ability its can broke the engine and drive belt. And the last part is chain, chain is last part connected transmission to rim and tire, you must maintains chain well, like give lubricating by oil to chain for reduce rubbing, if you not maintain your chain well like do not lubricating by oil, chain can make noise and broken off. After you lubricate chain you must check the strength, if your chain not to strength you must strength your chain because if your chain not to strength your chain can be more susceptible to broken off. Transmission hav e lever which to make rider can change gears, but in scooter do not lever because scooter is automatically change gear, so scooter do not need lever. Clutch is part from transmission system, clutch has function to shift gear from one gear to another gear, clutch have lever for driver to operated clutch. Generally clutch is located in left handle bar in motorcycle. Basically clutch made from wire, clutch like through cable connected to engine between gear and transmission system, beside that clutch can help the rider to use engine brake which in race is can help rider to decrease speed but not to use brake. Electrical is same like electrical in another things, like to turn on light, turn on engine (ignition), to drive all instrument like speedometer, odometer, tachometer, gasoline instrument and many more. In motorcycle to be certain us cant use generator like to get electrical in earth so in motorcycle we must use storage battery which the size of storage battery is possible to use in motorcycle. In motorcycle after storage battery electric go to cable and integrated to fuse and go to their destination, like to head lamp or tail lamp, in motorcycle fuse system has function which to avoids components being damaged by a faulty electrical system, so we can prepare where we have electrical problem we can minimize our problem. In motorcycle have many cable which each cable have different color and different meaning, so we must learn before we change cable or many things in electrical. Storage battery now has 2 type normal storage battery and dry storage battery. Normal storage battery is us ed liquid in inside, and for dry storage battery not used liquid battery. Normal storage battery have more attention to maintain, like you must add more storage battery liquid if liquid in storage battery is decrease, and minus of normal storage battery is if you didnt use in long time, normal storage battery will not have great performance like before you didnt use in long time. Electrical is has many problem if you dont maintain well, like your head lamp not quite bright, hard to start engine, your instrument dont work well. Firstly if you found your motorcycle have problem with electrical you can check your storage battery, check liquid in inside, and then if your motorcycle still not fixed the problem you can check your fuse system, check the fuse is still can be used or not, you can change the fuse, and if cant be fixed your problem you must check your cable and your instrument, the problem in instrument is around there. Dashboard and instrument, you can find many instrument in dashboard like speedometer, odometer, tachometer, gasoline meter, maybe in expensive motorcycle you can find another instrument beside that. Speedometer gives you information about your speed now, speedometer generally located in center of handlebar, now speedometer have 2 type, first is speedometer use needle to give information, in this speedometer needle has background which in background was written number is your speed, so the needle just located in the number where your speed now. Second type is digital speedometer, it is like LCD speedometer, the digital speedometer gives information approximately same like needle speedometer but digital speedometer give in LCD media, digital speedometer have some advantage than needle like more good looking, more detail. But digital speedometer is very complicated than needle speedometer, and digital speedometer dont have long life use as long as needle speedometer. Odometer is instrum ent which located is near speedometer, odometer is instrument to give information about distance which you already ride. Odometer like speedometer has two variant or type classic and digital, classis is like clocking. For digital odometer, basically almost same as classic type but the different is digital odometer display with LCD, and many feature, like have many feature to save our distance and have more good looking than classic odometer. In the past many people used odometer but they dont now odometer is an instrument. Odometer help people very much, like odometer can give how far we go, odometer can prediction time we arrive in destination, odometer can also help people who made map, odometer can be great instrument to know the efficient gasoline in your motorcycle, you can also know how far was motorcycle ride from motorcycle was made till you want know, and many more about distance. Tachometer is important instrument too, tachometer is instrument which give information about rpm in engine and temperature in engine, so you can now your rpm while you drive and you can shift your gear in right condition, you can now if your engine in over rpm, and then you can maintain well your engine because you use your engine in right condition. Instrument for generally motorcycle is gasoline instrument, like the name this instrument have function to know the gasoline level in your motorcycle tank, in generally motorcycle gasoline instrument use needle but in some motorcycle use digital, gasoline instrument have connected to float in motorcycle gasoline tank, so if your gasoline level can be instrumented in gasoline instrument in handlebar. Gasoline instrument is the most instruments which dont need more maintain than another instrument in motorcycle. And another small instrument like turn light lever, this instrument is small but quite important, because if motorcycle dont have light in day is not important, but if you drive in night can be jeopardize the driver and p eople in motorcycle, many light instrument in right or left handle bar, like turn light instrument, head lamp instrument and beam light, engine stop, horn instrument, start engine button. This part like extension from chassis to give structure for motorcycle, this part connected chassis and wheel, its call swing arm, swing arm like arm can swing smoothly and suspension system do their work to reduce shocking in bumpy road, swing arm made from combine iron and another material, like aluminum. A good swing arm must have good quantification of all things, because swing arm cannot made without quantification, if you made shorter than normal quantification your bike suspension not good feel, and your suspension system cannot give great performance to reduce the shock. Like you made longer than normal quantification, your suspension system cannot reduce well, because your swing arm quite long, if you made longer maybe your swing arm can broken. And then you must look the wheel width is must smaller than swing arm width, because wheel is located in middle of swing arm. Many little parts adhere in swing arm, like gear, and rear suspension. Now many models of swing arm, model of swing arm depend on type of motorcycle, like swing arm for trail motorcycle different for touring motorcycle, for trail motorcycle swing arm width not to width than touring motorcycle swing arm, but need more strength and more slim because trail motor is motorcycle for bumpy road, off road, or for jumping the motorcycle. And for touring motorcycle need more bigly than trail motorcycle to make more comfort because touring motorcycle was design to long trip, so touring motorcycle must more comfort. In some type modification motorcycle, changing quantification is much use, like change the size, width, make longer or make shorter than normal size, change the color or chrome the swing arm, and many more. But if you change the size of swing arm your comfortable definitely not comfort than before you change the size of your motorcycle, but your motorcycle looking maybe can more awesome than before, Handle bar in car is like steering wheel, but in motorcycle not like wheel is like long bar steel but have more lobed in the middle to adhere the chassis, and then connected to front suspension and connected to wheel and front tire, so you can steering or handle your motorcycle well. In handle bar is added by front brake lever in right side of handle bar, and in left side is for clutch lever, but in scooter is for rear brake. Some type of handle bar, first is like a bar, like I said before and the second one like shorter bar clipped to front suspension, one bar clipped one front suspension, but this type of handle bar not quite comfort because make the rider body more bend down use the first type, but second type have more grip and make aerodynamic for motorcycle better, this type of handle bar better to use in race or short trip because make rider tired to ride in long trip. After we look the part of motorcycle, we look equipment for rider. First we look helmet, helmet is protector for head, this helmet can protect head which rider fall down, or hit by another things, because head of people is the important part of body for people. So we must choose high quality helmet, a good quality helmet must have certificated from helmet federation or organization standard quality product, like in Indonesia call SNI. Now helmet have 5 types, 5 types there innovated base in the oldest type, but all the type have benefits and disadvantages. First is the oldest type, it is full face helmet, like the name this helmet protects all the part of head, this is the safeties type of helmet, because this helmet is very strength so definitely make this helmet safeties, but this helmet have some disadvantages, this helmet can easier make rider get warm and foggy, because around head is closed by helmet. This helmet very recommended for race, because race definitely more risk. The second type is innovated based in first type, many customers complaint the first type of helmet because very warm and foggy, and then helmet company innovated new type helmet, it call hybrid helmet, this helmet type like full face helmet but can allow to open chin part of this helmet, so can be more flexible for glasses rider. This type not strength as full face helmet but can more flexible. And the third type is open face helmet, They are aimed to protect the ears and the side of the face. However this kind of helmet doesnt have any chin protection. Visors are often detachable. This helmet most used for scooter or city bike rider, and very not recommend for rider want ride faster, because this helmet not protect around the head. But this helmet type has some benefits, like not to warm and not easily to foggy, and quite light. Women riders like to use this helmet type is quite light and enough safeties. The forth type is shorty helmet, this helmet like bicycle helmet, this helmet n ot have permission to use in street, because this helmet is not have quite protection, this helmet not protect chin and side area. This helmet usually use for custom motorcycle, so like the custom motorcycle this helmet to, many this helmet type is made by custom, like the custom motorcycle rider want their helmet have same color, so their made them. And the last type is motor cross helmet, like the name this helmet especially for cross or trail motorcycle, this helmet like full face helmet but have more long into front in chin part and then no visors in this helmet, but rider usually use goggle for eyes protector. After we looked all type of helmet, you can choose your own helmet base in your interest, if you want more safety you can choose full face helmet but if you want more light weight you can choose hybrid helmet or open face helmet, but really not recommend shorty helmet, because this helmet cannot protect your head well, after you choose your helmet type, I will give you ab out tips and check review. First you must see the license of standard safety in your future helmet, after we make sure this helmet safety you must use in your head, make sure you comfort when you ware you future helmet, because if you can feel comfort when you use your future helmet, certainly you do not want to use your helmet, so firstly after safety is comfort. And the second tips are looked the helmet shell. There are 2 type material which in made for helmet, first is polycarbonate are light weight and very sturdy, and the second material is fiberglass, fiberglass are often high impact resistant, very stable and last a long time. So find your helmet criteria.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Black Holes Essay -- essays research papers fc

Black holes are one of the many things in the universe that scientists still have a muddy understanding about. However, with the incredible advances of technology, we are able to understand more than what we have in the past. Today, the only way to observe these incredible objects are by looking for radiation from the gas surrounding it. What are they? Black holes are no more than a  ³dead star. ² A star that is considered  ³alive ² would be our sun. The sun still produces energy by converting hydrogen into helium, thus considered to be  ³alive. ² Once a star has run out of hydrogen, it begins its dying process. The final stage may result in a black dwarf, which is a small cool object no longer radiating energy, or if the star harbors enough mass it could result in a black hole. Black holes are defined as a collapsed star. The difference between a black dwarf and a black hole is the original mass of the star, which determines whether or not that star will have enough gra vitation force to collapse upon its self and form a suction, or to remain as that small cool object, a black dwarf. Why do black holes suck everything in? To understand why material that enters a black hole is unable to escape, one must understand the concept of escape velocity. This is the velocity (speed) at which any material needs to exceed in order to escape from something. Because, as Einstein said,  ³What ever goes up must come down! ² In other words, in order for a space craft to exit the Earth ¹s atmosphere so that it must not come down, it must exceed a certain speed. In order to figure out the Earth ¹s escape velocity one takes the square root of the planet ¹s mass divided by the planet's radius. PLANET ¹S MASS / PLANET ¹S RADIUS = ESCAPE VELOCITY On Earth with a radius of 6,500 km, the escape velocity would be 11 km/sec. Therefore to launch any object away from Earth, the object must travel (escape) faster than 11 km/sec. All of this is of course the result of gravity. However, imagine a huge vise that squeezed the Earth to one-quarter its present size. What would then happen to the escape velocity? The velocity would increase because the mass would increase as the radius increased. Thus, taking the square root of a larger number, ending up with a larger number that being the escape velocity. The actual escape velocity of this hypothetical question would double it making it 22 km/sec. Taking ... ... horizon, which would emit radiation because of this. The thermal radiation is so hot that it is expected to be x-ray types of radiation. Once the radiation surpasses the even horizon, the x-rays cease and the material inside continues in great distortion. This is what scientists are trying to link to their observation of such radio active areas within out universe today. Bibliography Abell, George O. Exploration of The Universe. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1975. Berger, Melvin. Quasars, Pulsars and Black Holes In Space. Canada: Longman Canada Limited, 1977. Bisnovatyi-Kogan, G.S.  ³At The Border of Eternity. ² Science. February, 27, 1998: 1321- 1322. Chaisson, Eric. Relatively Speaking. Canada: The Readers Digest Association Ltd., 1990.  ³Down The Galactic Drain. ² Discover. April 1998: 25. Shipman, Harry L. Black Holes, Quasars, and The Universe. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1976. Sullivan, Walter. Black Holes- The Edge of Space, The End of Time. New York: Anchor Press, 1979. Taylor, John G. Black Holes: the End of The Universe?. New York: Random House Inc., 1973.  ³The Astronomers- Searching for Black Holes. ² Community television of Southern California, 1991.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Confession of the Jews and First Confession :: Confession of the Jews Essays

Confession of the Jews and First Confession In comparing the books "Confession of the Jews" and "First Confession", I have found there to be similarities and differences. For example, "First Confession" deals with a boy converting from a boy to a young man by going to confession and telling his sins for the first time. "Conversion of the Jews" deals with converting a boy into someone he has never really seen which was a free thinker which only older people usually do. In "Conversion of the Jews" Ozzie, who was the main character, had a problem with getting along with the priest Rabbi Binder at Hebrew School. Rabbi Binder didn't really like Ozzie because he was always asking a lot of questions and Rabbi Binder was always getting angry at him. In "First Confession" Jackie, the main character, also had a problem. Jackies problem was similar to Ozzies, but also different. Jackie had a problem with his sister Nora. Nora believed that Jackie was always lying and being bad. On his confession day his mother sent Nora go with Jackie. Nora ordered Jackie to tell all of his sins, including how he was mean to the grandmother who lived with them. Ozzie seemed troubled to Rabbi Binder in "Conversion of the Jews". In reality Jackie wasn't bad at all, he was just a boy who wanted answers to his questions. And that was proved when Ozzie asked a question in class and Rabbi Binder went crazy and hit Ozzie because he thought Ozzie was trying to be a wise guy. So Ozzie tried to prove a point to Rabbi Binder and his fellow classmates by running to the roof and making believe he was going to jump. With Ozzie being on the roof it gave Rabbi Binder a bigger belief that Ozzie was crazy and troubled. Ozzie wasn't really crazy, he was just trying to make a point that he really wasn't dumb. Ozzie just wanted to believe that there was really a Christ. So with the point that Ozzie was trying to make helped to convert everyone and their beliefs. Jackie, like Ozzie, was also troubled in "First Confession". He was a young boy who lived with his family, including the grandmother. Jackie believed the grandmother didn't like him very much, so he did mean things to her like hide under the table when she cooked dinner. When it came time for his first confession he went with his sister Nora. Nora tormented Jackie and scared him into believing he was a sinner and he will pay for all of his sins.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Why Are Men and Women Different – Psychological Reasons

It is generally said that â€Å"Men are from Mars; Women are from Venus†. Although both of them belong to the human species, they very much differ from each other, physically, as well as, mentally. Since the start of the human civilization, there has been a never-ending debate if men and women do actually differ or not. They may be equal, but, it’s certain that they are not the same. Men and women differ physically in the several obvious ways. For example, an average man is taller and heavier than an average woman; Men have more bodily hair than women; Men have larger hearts and lungs; Women have breasts to feed the offspring, etc. These physical differences are a result of differential hormonal secretion. The mental differences are a result of the progress in the human life. When humans lived in the forests, at the beginning of the Human life, men and women weren’t much different mentally. Each individual, invariably of whether that was a man or a woman, hunted for feeding himself/herself. The major difference was that women were getting themselves trained at multitasking, by guarding the young ones, as they hunted. They also scored well in teaching, as they taught the survival skills to their children. The forest life ended as they began to form groups and live under the shelter of the caves. There was a change in the lifestyle, since man decided to keep his woman safe at home i. e. the cave. This also helped women in improving their multitasking skills as they cleaned the place, took care of the children and communicated with the neighbours. This also accounts for their excellence in speaking. Men were out to places; As a result, they got acquainted with locales better than women. They observed routes as they needed them for their next hunt. As a result, they were (and are) good in remembering routes. Contrasting multitasking women, men are exceptionally good at concentrating over a single task. This follows from the regular hunting routine which required a lot of concentration and patience to wait until the right time has popped up. As a result, men were better at focusing on the task at hand and completing the job, before moving on to the next one. This also indirectly reduced the speaking skills of men by making a physical change in their brain. The centre responsible for concentration was not big enough to accommodate the improvements in focusing skills. So, it needed to be expanded. But simply expanding the concentration centre would increase the brain size, thus making it crucial for the (male) baby’s head to come out of the mother’s womb. Hence some adjustments are to be made before it could be enlarged. The speaking centre was chosen to be decreased, so as, to increase the centre for concentration due to the fact that being noiseless is one of the most important qualities of a good hunter because the slightest sound made would easily hint the prey. This is why men hardly speak one-third times as much as women per day. Men are good at some chores while women are good at some other. It is important to recognize that neither is better. They are simply wildly different. It is important to accept and respect the differences. This will bring up a better understanding in relationships and eventually improve the quality of life.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The American Dream in Of Mice and Men

The Epic of America (ironically written in the asses), the American Dream Is â€Å"that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. † (Tortuous). In the 20th century, we have significantly warped that dream to slut a more selfish type of person. Colleens base the American Dream on something much more different then what it originally meant. Today, many Americans believe to achieve the American Dream means to be ICC and famous or have a successful business.People get caught up in this â€Å"American Dream†, that they forget the true meaning set by our Founding Fathers. Abraham Lincoln stated, â€Å"You can have anything you want – if you want it badly enough. You can be anything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish if you hold to that desire with singleness of purpose. â€Å", agreeing with Mr†¦ Tortuous. Despite this, society became so dis torted when discrimination played a role. Obviously, the Founding Father's didn't take the future's problems into consideration when making the Ideal dream for Americans.They were unaware of the hardships the discriminated would face, which made It hard to make the American dream more than Just a dream. In Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck shows the death of the American Dream and why It was unattainable by many. The sass's was considered one of the toughest times in the history of the United States. Americans felt hopeless, saddened, and depressed. After the Wall Street crashed, the economy became complete chaos and a great downfall after a already being in a steep hole, in result of the World War II.Close to 10 percent of the population were unemployed. The country soon became filled with Jobless citizens, wanderers, and migrant workers. Owning a house was becoming something that was very rarely heard of. During this time, we see how humans struggled to survive. Not having a roof ov er your head seems bad enough, but imagine sleeping hungry, night after night. All the success, hopes, and dreams were lost and went down the drain. As people continued to suffer daily, they're pursuit of happiness seemed farther and farther away from the grasp of their palm.However, this all has to do with the equal opportunity that everyone should have to fulfill this dream. Some could not achieve the American dream because of a disadvantage pertaining to that person. Because of this, the dream isn't fully obtainable to all of those who wish to fulfill it. The Land of Opportunity was well on its way to being the Land of Misfortune. In Of Mice and Men, to show ageism during this time, the author Includes Candy In his novella. Candy dreams to own his own piece of land.It Initially starts when Candy hears about George and Lien's dream to â€Å"live off the fate the contribute to the investment of the property. Describing the dream land to Candy, George says, â€Å"Expose they was a carnival or a circus come to town, or a ball game, or any damn thing. We'd Just go to her. We wouldn't ask nobody if we could. Jus' say, We'll go to her,' an' we would. Jus' milk the cow and sling some grain to the chickens an' go to her. † (Steinbeck, pig. 57). The idea of this land is their motivation to keep working hard, hoping to one day be able to own land. â€Å"You God damn tramp.You done it, didn't you? I spouse you're glad. Everybody endowed you'd mess things up. You wasn't no good. You anti no good now, you lousy tart. â€Å", Candy says viciously to the corpse (Steinbeck, pig. 95). Here, Candy's voice shakes from expressing his true feelings. He blames Curler's wife for ruining his dream since Lien's share of the money is gone. Candy told George and Leonie the possible dangers of Curler's wife, but Leonie Just didn't know any better. Steinbeck depicts how the aged could not attain this dream of having land and being pertinent to a society where everyone was equa l.Throughout the novella, Steinbeck depicts how the disabled could not fulfill their dream because they were discriminated against and treated differently. One would think that the mentally handicapped got special treatment, but that was not he case. During the Great Depression, everyone received equal treatment. Some were institutionalized. Other times, some couldn't stand in line for rations due to their liability, which left them hungry and helpless, since everyone else already had someone to care for, whether it was for themselves or for their family.In the story, Steinbeck uses Leonie to publicize that the mentally handicapped could also dream like the rest. Lien's dream is to own land, but for one thing only; to tend rabbits. â€Å"The hell with the rabbits. That's all you can ever remember is them rabbits. â€Å", George says as he explains the dream land to Leonie and all he hears out of it is the rabbits (Steinbeck, pig. 4-5). Even though Lien's dream is to tend rabbits, George also has a dream and Leonie slows the process down greatly. â€Å"God mighty, if I was alone I could live so easy.I could go get a Job an' work, an' no trouble. No mess at all. An' what I got. I got you! You can't keep a Job and you lose me ever' Job I get. Jus' keep me shoving' all over the country all the time. â€Å", George complains furiously (Steinbeck, pig. 11). After fleeing Weed (because of Leonie touching a girl's dress), he says if it isn't for him, his life would be so much better. Later in the story, Leonie kills Curler's wife by accident. â€Å"l done another bad thing†, Leonie tells George, Just as he is getting ready to kill Leonie.After George kills Leonie, Slim states, â€Å"You Haddam, George. I swear, yah Haddam. † (Steinbeck, pig. 107). This quote illustrates the hard choice that George had to make. Even if George had not killed Leonie, Curler would have, along with George's American Dream. Their goals because they issued less rights than men. To show this in the book, the author exploits Curler's wife. She states, â€Å"Everybody! An' what am I doing'? Standing' here talking' to a bunch of bindle stiffs†a Niger an' a dumb-dumb and a lousy 01†² sheep †an' liking' it because they anti nobody else. (Steinbeck, pig. 79). This quote demonstrates how Curler's wife's right were constricted; even more than the ranches. She can't even have fun or do anything without Curler, which goes to show why her name isn't even said. She Curler's belonging. However, before Curler, there was some hope in her life. â€Å"l tell you I anti used to living' like this. I could made something' of myself. Come there when I was a kid. Well, a show come through, an' I et one of the actors. He says I could go with that show. But my 01†² lady would' let me. She says because I was noon fifteen.But the guy says I could. If I'd went, I wouldn't be living' like this, you bet. † , she explains (Steinbeck, pig. 88). Curler's wife had a chance to become a star, but her mother ruined it. She killed her dream by keeping her from being in the pictures since she was too young. If it wasn't for her â€Å"01†² lady† she would've been living her dream. From beginning to end of the novella, John Steinbeck exudes how African Americans during this time also had an American Dream, but could not make it a laity because of segregation. Crooks was the only African American on the ranch.Therefore, he was separated and put in a bunk next to the horses. Crooks dream was to be accepted and for everyone to be equal. â€Å"l tell yah a guy gets too lonely an' he gets sick. â€Å", exclaims Crooks to Leonie to try and explain to him his loneliness. Steinbeck shows how Crooks has his dream snatched away from him through racism. Even though the reader may see that the American Dream for these characters is way beyond reach and Just an illusion, I don't think it's clear if they see that. However, when Crooks stat es, â€Å"Nobody ever gets to heaven, and nobody gets no land. It's Just in their head. , he is facing the harsh, bitter reality (Steinbeck, pig. 74). Crooks knows that such comfort and happiness are not to be formed in that ambiance. In Of Mice and Men, an American Dream was evident for all characters, but they were beyond the bounds of possibility because of their skin color, gender, disability, age, or even a friend. Everyone was getting treated the same and prejudices during this time. Very little Justice lingered in the air. In Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck splays the impossibility of the American Dream to the discovered, discriminated people of the asses.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

College Pressures Essay

In the United States, college is a journey that can teach students some of the most important lessons that they will carry throughout their lives. Author William Zinsser write in his essay â€Å" College Pressures † that students can face a wide variety of pressures like parental, economical to even the most common type, self induced pressure. Although college is supposed to help students develop as individual people, they are placed into an environment that is extremely competitive when it comes to over all grades. This creates students that torture themselves over the grade places on their transcript and can increase the need for some students to look for an escape. Also, this type of self induced pressure can lead a student to make negative health choices. With these ingredients mixed together, self induced college pressures can influence students to make bad decisions. The overwhelming self induced pressure to get good grades affects students in a way that they make choices that negatively impact their health and well being. Zinsser states, â€Å"long gone are the days of a â€Å"gentleman’s C† ‘(452). Nowadays, students think that getting a â€Å"C† is equivalent to failing. Not only do they want to succeed but this pressure has cause some students to look for a way to gain an edge by using illegal prescription drugs that allow them to study for hours on end. Ritalin is one of the most common drugs used to gain this advantage. Vitamin â€Å"K† as it’s called is a drug that increases alertness and concentration in people with attention deficit disorder when it’s prescribed by a doctor. There is an alarming and increasing trend in the use of this drug across college campuses in the United States. According to professor and researcher Allan Desantis of the University of Kentucky, forty five percent of students interviewed at that campus stated that they use or have used Ritalin without a prescription to study long hours before a test. The long term affects, as stated by Allen Desantis, can lead to irregular heartbeat, cardiac arrhythmia and psychosis. This type of illegal use of Ritalin is dangerous not only due to its health affects but it gives a false edge that can lead students to be dependent on its use even when they get into the public work force. The pressure student’s face from their studies demands an escape from time to time. For most students, this escape is found in socializing. Zinsser states â€Å". . . they (students) are no introverts† (455). College life demands that students be social beings. What a better place than a university or college campus! For most students, college is the first time they are away from home or the first time they are left to make their own decision in the real world. This type of absence of authority gives students a false sense of freedom to do as they like. When the stress from their studies starts to build up, alcohol is one of the easiest drugs to use as an escape. It is very rare that you find a college party with no alcohol thus students are more likely to drink when socializing. According to the Core Institute, seventy percent of college student between the ages of eighteen and twenty four have reported to be binge drinkers. Since there is no type of authority present, the exercise of self control when it comes to drinking can be very minimal and leads to this excessive use of alcohol. Heavy drinking cause students better judgment to be impaired. In California alone, 1,825 students were injured in 2013 from traffic related accidents according to the national highway traffic safety association. Students need to be educated about the dangers of alcohol. For most students, college can be some the most memorable times in their lives. The self induced pressures that they create can ruin this by influencing them to make bad decisions. Not only do students over worry about their grade but they are forced by this worry and stress to look for an escape. Alcohol and prescription drugs are some of the dangerous remedies they turn to for relief. There need to be some type of education that teaches them about the dangers of using these drugs.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Three Stages of the Child Development

Question 2: What are three stages of child development? Maria Montessory divided the process of child development into tree stages. 1. First stage: Absorbent Mind (0-6 years) This is the period of transformation and the characteristic of this period is known as the Absorbent Mind. The child absorbs environment into himself. The child creates the person she will become once given an appropriate and specially prepared environment to work. Montessori said that during the absorbent mind, the Sensitive Periods are at the strongest and facilitates the child's learning process.This period can be divided into two sub-phases. Unconscious Absorbent Mind (0-3 years). The child cannot be dictated in this period nor can be directly influenced by the adults. The child learns unconsciously from his environment by using his senses of seeing and hearing. No formal schooling is suggested in this period however provision of a suitable environment greatly helps a child in making good early impressions o f the world around him. Children under the age of three, do not need to have lessons in order to learn, they simply absorb everything in the environment by experiencing it, being part of it.It is therefore important that the environment set up is good, nice and positive since this is what the child will absorb whether he chooses to or not. Conscious Absorbent Mind (3-6 years). Child becomes sensitive to adult influence. The period from 3 to 6 years of age is a period of conscious construction when the child takes consciously from the environment. This is the bless time to play. The child realizes the environment by the work of his hands. The child starts building personality basing on the impressions stored during first three years of his life.The sense of touch gets coordinated with the mind. Hands become a prime tool of learning. This is also a time of social development. The child wants to have company of other children and can be separated from mother for short periods of time. Children of this age are also very drawn to activities that engage the five senses. Montessori materials are designed to clearly isolate specific concepts such as length, weight, shape, size and color. Children learn to compare and contrast using their senses of smell, taste, touch, sight and hearing. 2. Second stage: Later Childhood (6-12 years)For many children, these years from six to twelve are the glory years–a time of calm and steady growth and expansion of interests. At approximately six to seven years of age, children experience a major transformation. This transformation leads from the sponge-like absorbent mind of early childhood to the reasoning, thinking adult mind. This is the period when children develop logical thinking skills. They have to think and consciously study in order to learn. During the stage of the absorbent mind, learning happened almost automatically through exposure, but the reasoning mind needs to be consciously engaged in the learning process.T his is a period of uniform growth, an intermediate period or the second stage of childhood. At this stage children are more stable, calm and of great energy. As the child has mastered most of the basic human skills, he no longer has the Absorbent mind but learn through reasoning using his imagination to explore further. It is also a period of self discovery and a period for developing characters, morals and ethics. Montessori offers an exciting idea for guiding education: â€Å"The secret of good teaching is to regard the child’s intelligence as a fertile field in which seeds may be sown, to grow under the heat of flaming imagination.Our aim therefore is not merely to make the child understand, and still less to force him to memorize, but so to touch his imagination as to enthuse him to his inmost core. † (Montessori, 1967, pg. 15). Maria Montessori identified three primary developmental drives of the elementary years. First, the child develops a voracious appetite for facts. Second, the child enters a period of moral formation and begins to ask questions about right and wrong. Third, his imagination becomes his most powerful learning tool.To feed this hungry mind and active imagination, Maria Montessori suggests that children need a vision of the whole universe starting with the solar system, the history and geography of the earth. Only a vision of the universe offers a framework for understanding all of the component parts. On the moral level, it helps children begin to understand that they are part of an integrated whole. 3. Third stage: Transformation (12-18 years) This is a period of Transformation, both physically and psychologically. Mentally, they have developed logical thinking and do not like to be told or pressure into learning.During this time, age twelve to eighteen years others become more important. Little by little they leave the family, first emotionally then physically. This is hard on parents. Parents are asked to see the adult in the child. Parents need to change how they talk. What was appropriate before is not anymore. They see adulthood coming and are very interested in themselves. All children at this age have an inferiority complex. They are convinced they are being watched. They imagine everyone is looking at them. They don’t have a stable inside or outside anymore. It is also a very idealistic time.They need to be exposed to heroes and idealists. They want to know they have a role to play. They respond to people who make a difference. The hardest part in our society is that they are seen as useless. Society is telling them there is no place for them until they get older. The way out for this is often the arts, music and drama. This is the time that the child develops significant relationships with other adults. There is a decrease in IQ during this period. The child has a decreased interest in academic learning when they are really growing and going through great physical changes.It is a ti me to train for self-sufficiency. Connect lessons with practical, concrete experiences. This is a good time to learn about the independence and interdependence of nature. Like the first stage of development it is also divided again into two sub-phases: Puberty (12-15 years) At this stage the child is like a new born baby. His character is seldom stable and there are signs of indiscipline and rebellion. The advent of puberty indicates the end of childhood. Marked physical changes take place and the child becomes very sensitive of his self.All the confidence and joyfulness of the childhood is suddenly lost. At this stage, the child needs full emotional support of parents and teachers. Adolescence (15-18 years). This period is marked with an attitude of rebellion, discouragement, hesitation, and doubts. There is an unexpected decrease in intellectual capacity as compared to an extrovert of 6-12 years. The creativeness takes charge. The child now transforming into adulthood wants to exp lore the world. Sensitive to criticism and hates to be ridiculed. Parents and teachers need to accommodate mistakes and encourage new ideas.